Project Worksheet Printable
I've been working on ways to stream line my designing and also sewing ideas.
Sometimes i want to use fabric for pattern and then totally forget about which bag or which fabric i want to use.
I'm loving all these quilting journals daily journals and thought what if i could get more organised with mine?!
I created this easy Project Worksheet printable to keep me creative and have all of my ideas in one place.
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I've created the printable in A4 and A5 in colour and black and white.
The best bit about this project worksheet is that it can be used for all crafts.
You can download them HERE
I've used it for sewing and my sister used it for paper craft.
The box can be used for swatches of fabric or paper. You can draw a diagram or layout of what you want to create.
I've included client and due date for those who create for a business or just want to keep track of who the craft is going to or what it will be used for.
I would love to see how you use this printable! Come and share your creations in the Lorelei Jayne Facebook group.