Zipper Tabs and No Tabs?
I recently received an email from sewist who was begining with zips. I myself took atleast a year before i would sew a zip and just made items with snaps and velcro!
But zips don't have to be scary, nylon zips are easy to sew, don't break your needle and look so good!
I almost always use size 3, dress zips available from my local craft store. If you want to learn how to make Zipper tabs i have a tutorial available showing exactly how i do it. https://loreleijayne.com/blogs/lorelei-jayne/add-zipper-tabs-sewing-tutorial
The second photo is a zip with tabs. You still sew in a straight line but you will have to stop with the needle down and move the zipper pull so your stitching stays straight and the correct seam allowance is sewn.
Zipper tabs give a squared look to the pouch at the top because they make the zip stand up a bit when you turn the pouch right side up.
The difference is really noticeable after you finish your pouch.
The Squared pouch comes with 3 sizes and it's great for beginners. I have a youtube tutorial for the Squared pouch https://www.youtube.com/watch?