Add Zipper Tabs Sewing Tutorial
Using zipper tabs on your bags or pouches ensures a square look. It's a simple step that gives you professional bag making results.
I make my zipper tabs wider and then cut them down. This accounts for stitches going badly or fabric not being straight.
Move the zipper pull to the centre and cut the zipper 1/2" smaller than the fabric piece that you are adding it too, If it's a 1/4" seam allowance and 3/4" smaller if the seam allowance is 3/8".
Cut 2 Zipper Tabs 2.5" x 1.5". Prepare the zip by pressing the zip flat, being careful to avoid the teeth. This ensures the zip is as flat as possible. Stitch the open end of the zip together with a zigzag stitch as this helps to keep them laying flat as you sew.
Fold each zipper tab in half, short sides wrong sides together. Open out and fold each short end in to meet in the centre. Press. Fold over and press.
Fold the tabs over each end of the zipper and stitch 1/8” from the inner folded edge.
Add your zipper centred to the fabric pieces, see my Anne pouch tutorial to see how to sew a pouch.
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